The story begins when Sauro Mortula decided to set up the first meeting place for the fishermen of the Gulf in 1953 in the tranquil beach of Forno, welcoming on his terrace, facing the sea at sunset, the lucky ones who could taste his Spaghetti ai Muscoli.
Marina Ceccarelli changed radically Sauto’s life from a sentimental and culinary point of view, becoming his wife and first chef of “l’Ostrica”” and bringing her passion and car in all the dishesshe prepared. Marina’s mastery together with Sauro’s energy and joviality created one of the most popular restaurants on the Island.
After having being working together for years, Luciano, Sauro’s son, took over the restaurant on 1998, renenewing and traforming it in a more modern, elegant and refined mode, making his strong points the welcimong, the attenction to the guests and the cult of quality.
He never stops, year after year, investing in that paradise. The family tradition has always continued over this period.
Following in their father’s footsteps, Gabriele’s professionality and Michele’s friendlyness, create impeccable service and magic ambients, creating a unique experience.